Member Spotlight



Jaclyn Juers-Sierra

Member Since March 10, 2014

Q: Tell Us About Yourself

A: Hello my name is Jaclyn but my Friends call me Jackie. I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers, I'm 35 years old and have been with my husband 17 years, we have two girls, two dogs looking to rescue more (yeah we are nuts🙃) and I live in Mt. Hope. I'm a stay at home mom that likes to take my girls to explore the world and hang out with true friends (yeah those are very hard to find 😂), hiking, horseback riding, walking on the beach, riding quads, almost anything outdoors. I am born and raised in Orange County NY but have lived all over NY.

Q: What is a post from the group that has created a lasting impression on you?

A: Post that leave a lasting impression on me are the ones that all of us moms actually come together to support one another and not tear each other down.

What is some advice you would give to your pre-mom self?

A: Things I would tell my pre-mom self would be to start earlier 🤣 I was 29 by the time I had my first. Nothing much else I would have done different.

Q: What does community mean to you?

A: When you come together and help and support one another. To not judge but to give an ear or shoulder when needed. To help when others wont.

Q: Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

A: Lol, I'm a mom of two young children I can't think where I will be in a year. 😂😂😂

Q: Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

A: Can't stand coffee. Unless coffee icecream. I was also named after Jaclyn Smith from Charlie's Angels.

⚡️⚡️⚡️ LIGHTNING ROUND ⚡️⚡️⚡️

1. Android or iOS? Android all the way!
2. Dogs or cats? Love both, I'm an animal person. 3. Morning bird or night owl? Night Owl all the way. 4. Tea or coffee? Tea
5. Laundry or dishes? 😂😂 neither